Winter. The price to pay for money. Make money in the North, go spend it in the South, that's how it's done. Let us call this the Swedish Retiree Model. A great invention of the 20th century that must be protected by all means, so that we can enjoy it too.
We are posting late, because indeed we had taken a trip south to charge our batteries. Our brains are still soft and numb, plus we had to bond with Sven again, so today we hope to get away with a couple of one-liners. Made in our household. You know how it is with couples, they invent their own universe of jokes and a few of them seem just decent enough to publicize - anonymously.
Seriously, there are even insider jokes that can be shared without problems. Look at our friend Jeannette E. Spaghetti and the story of how she acquired her middle initial. Jeannette belongs to the graceful kind of ladies who do not refer to their husbands as DH. What is this DH, anyway. DH, Ph, BH... BH is what the Germans call a bra – cf title above.
Enjoy the rest.
The other day a colleague treated us at work with home-made cake. Very nice of him. Another colleague, A.P., did not touch it, because there was some coffee in it. This young generation, they can be such hypochondriacs. OK, smoking we can kind of understand, but coffee?
RTG said: “And I'll bet he irons his condoms too.”
Another C- student on TV pretending to be a journalist. He just discovered that the deforestation of the Amazon region is proceeding “at a breathtaking pace” (breathtaking literally, shall we add).
RTG said: “This was going on 20 years ago already, when Sting was still popular.”
Recently there was quite some fuzz on the news regarding the recognition of the Armenian genocide. Independent historians estimate that the number of Armenians who were killed or massacred by the Turks during deportation in 1915-16 was around 600,000. Armenian sources claim that more than 1,500,000 were killed during that genocide. According to Turkish claims, about 300,000 Armenians died in that period.
ML said: “Always haggling...”
RTG said: “God, I look old.”
Then added: “Oh well, who wants to die young.”
Fergie sings: “Big girls don't cry”
ML/Lucille Bluth said: “They can't spare the moisture?”
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Hey, there we were chuckling over your silliness, and enjoyig the jokes, when we saw Frog Ted with his hair in plaits on your sidebar!!
He sure gets about!
Thank you SO MUCH for linking to our Reading Hero - we shall link back to you of course on our blogroll on the frogblogdoglog.
We are also wanting to feature our RH friends on the Reading Hero site - can we get in touch with you about it please??
Frogtastic, thank you!
This is a message for Sven:-
Sven, do you have a Norwegian martial arts mentor?
Because I used to be called Obi-Kenobi, but i took the middle name Sven after my ancient teacher taught me ancient cat know how.
Who are YOU named after??
Hallo, friends!
Sven is a dark-skinned cactus with very long yellow prickles. He looks like a tanned Viking so we called him Sven. His prickles reflect his character, but we do hope to get him to pose for a picture soon. We don't know if he's ever had a martial arts mentor, but that would account for his mighty prickly defense and attack tactics against anything approaching his territory on the coffee table.
Friends of the RH site! Frogtastic indeed! What exactly would you need from us?
Well, that's REALLY INTERESTING! Thank you for telling us all about Sven and his long prickles - youch!
I bet he could tell a tale or two about people he's prickled!
Well, we have popped your names with a link back to your blog on the Reading Hero page of the Reading Hero site (!?), but would love to have a little pic of you/your banana/sven to go with it.
We are also asking to friends tp put our RH logo on their sites, but as you have Frog Ted already there with his plaited ears, that's completely great!
thank you so much!
PS: we have a secret - a well know rugby union club has greed to support us too - watch that space!
Thanks LOTS! xx
Fun to see our silly names on the Reading Hero page of the Reading Hero site! We are embarrassed now because they are such silly names. *sob* "Banana" is less silly. Or "Sven", how about that! Anyway, now we really have to try and take Sven's picture...
Never fear that your names are silly, everyone is welcome at the frogblogdoglog and to be Reading Heroes - we think it's grand of you!
Looking forward to a formal introduction to Sven - when you have a handsome pic of him, it would be frogtastic if you could email it to me at my email address (where else?)
PS: Please dont try posting it to my email address, that would be silly!
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