Friday, May 30, 2008

Prickly Bit

As some of you know, one of the main purposes of this bblogg is to make our beloved cactus Sven famous!

Well, it seems we are getting there! Do visit FrogBlogDogLog!!! - and read the comments to the May 22 post! A star is born?


It's weekend, almost. Time for fresh flowers in the vase, and for music and for fun. Free time for coffee at nice places. Coffee, coffee coffee - it doesn't contain vitamin B, but then again, what do we know about coffee?

Time for the computer to go to sleep. See you!


Helen said...

Coffee might not have vitamin B, but it doesnt give you a hairy tummy either.
We are definitely glass half full people :)
Wanna go for coffee together sometime?? Maybe a belgian waffle with choc sauce throw in.
Well, not thrown into the coffee obviously, that wouldnt be so good.

Obi-Sven-Kenobi said...

Hehe - Sven the Cactus rocks!
(Or is it Rock Frog....) You read it here first boys and girls.
We are sharpening our pencils with aniticipation. (The sharpener is broken).

Roufa Tav Gosou & Mimi Lass said...

Great idea Bimmy! By the way, dunking waffles in coffee can be yummy!

They both rock, Obi-Sven! Oh, your anticipation must be really sharp. Try not to clip your whiskers with anticipation!

Monica said...

Oooo. Coffee -- my favorite form of drinkable Caffeine. Now that you mention it, I think I'm craving coffee...